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14 December 2016 13:00-15:00Media Evolution City - Malmö

fempack - the professional network for women

At Packbridge we are working with bridging the whole value chain within the packaging industry from the material producers all the way to the recyclers. By creating platforms for professionals to meet from the entire value chain we are enabling ideas to grow to innovations and strengthening the entire industry. 

We are not just interested for you to meet, we want you to interact and exchange ideas, to understand the producers and consumers needs in the context of new trends and technologies to keep pace with the fast development we all are facing. 

The 14:th of December we are launching fempack, the women network for professionals in the packaging industry just from listening to our members needs. This has been a missing part of our platform that we now are addressing to enable women to meet and rise the awareness of women in the packaging industry and in addition to aid our members to attract talent outside the traditional sources of recuitment. 

All you need to know

The meeting will be held at Media Evolution City in Malmö, starting at 13:00 hours. After a short introduction from Packbridge we handing over the word to our inspiring speakers and later workshops. 

The day will end at 15:00 (changed from 16:00) with the presentation of the 2017 Packbridge activity plan and the fempack road to success. 

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Viktoria Holmberg
Quality and Environment

Meaningful meetings and Networks

How do we make each other better?
A classic expression from the world of sport - a world I more or less grew up in.
Has been involved in different sports and always worked with people in development.

Today, I help to train and develop a DAM U female team in football.

In a comparison with a compound, a team, a working group, we can find many parts that are similar.
We gather around a common interest, we may have different positions and assignments, but we stand for something together. A group that creates energy, power and meaning.
Making a literal change of the word NETWORK to Network - I think is interesting to ponder. An obvious choice is to strive for the healthy part - to network.

Viktoria Holmberg

Mission: Quality and Environment, where we work with the company's soft and hard questions.

Focus on our responsibility for the customer, the company, their colleagues, the individual, the village in which we operate, and our natural environment in which we live.

What does the network for me?
A network for me is a place where the conversation and exchange of ideas is that it is comprehensible to me involved, I can see the benefits and manage what comes up in my group.
The icing on the famous 'i' is given also that is meaningful! This creates the feeling of a context - in which I am a part of the network.

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Nadja Dahlgren
Product Manager Packaging

Smart Networking in the Packaging Industry

The success of a project or development is good and close contacts of a network that is cross-industry would simplify and improve.

Nadja Dahlgren

Product packaging Arta Plast AB
With the background of packaging development and product manager, project manager, marketing an assist, sales and customer support Nadja during his years at Arta Plast has been involved in most of those contexts involving packaging

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Yasemin Arhan Modéer
CEO - Owner Altitude Meetings

How to exchange knowledge, do successful network meetings and exceed in business

Yasemin Arhan Modéer

Yasemin is the CEO of Altitude Meetings and has a broad background in business and private entrepreneurship. She has been CEO of Anagram Live, membership manager at Media Evolution and worked at the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. Yasemin is a perfect moderator when looking for the clarity and sharpness of community development discussions in the range between economics, politics and business.

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Tony Spodnjak
Sofia Erixson

Packaging Development Engineer @ Orkla Foods Sweden AB

Hanna Wallteg

Marknadsassistent @ Ecolean

Helena Lindh

Förpackningsutv Konsult @ ÅF, PhD, Civilingenjör

Viveka Lahger

Technical Sales Sweden @ UPM Raflatac

Karla Marie B. Paredes

Ph.D. Student  @ Lund University